2039 students

The Quran Legacy

Free Edition Benefits:

– 72 Hour Access To Each Lecture As They Are Released Throughout Ramadan

Check Out The Lifetime Edition Here


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    Write a Review Please

    We would love to hear from you, the good, the bad and sincerely insha'Allah. We want to improve when and where we can so please take out a minute and write a short review or simply select stars. May Allah guide us all.
£30.00 Free

Post Comments:

  1. Avatar
    March 21, 2021

    Thank you!

  2. Avatar
    March 21, 2021

    Asalamu Alaykum, May Allah bless you for all your efforts.

  3. Avatar
    March 21, 2021

    Very beautiful plan, looking forward for starting date

  4. Avatar
    March 21, 2021

    Djz de me laisser profiter de cette offre

  5. Avatar
    March 22, 2021

    May Allah bless you

  6. Avatar
    March 22, 2021

    Looking forward to listen

  7. Avatar
    March 22, 2021

    JazakAllah. Looking forward to Imams sharing. Thanks

  8. Avatar
    March 22, 2021

    Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullhi wa baraqatuhu may AllahSWT grant us the ability to truly benefit from these heirs of the prophet and may AllahSWT grant us to also share whatever we gain from the priceless gems that they share with us and may we become the ummah that the ProphetPBUH will be proud of us always enjoining good and always forbidding evil may AllahSWT grant us sincerity in everything that we do Aameen Thumma Aameen Jazaak’Allah khairun

  9. Avatar
    March 22, 2021

    Assalaamu Alaykum, may Allah reward all us all for our intentions and efforts, Ameen.
    Looking forward to this wonderful opportunity this Ramadan In Shaa Allah
    Jazakumullah Khair

  10. Avatar
    March 22, 2021

    JazakAllah khairen kaseera

  11. Avatar
    March 23, 2021

    Insha Allah

  12. Avatar
    March 23, 2021

    Would love this program in Sha Allah

  13. Avatar
    March 27, 2021

    Assalamu alaykom wa rahma’tullah wa barakatuh, is it okay to enroll on this course, but if the time comes nearer and I can afford to, to go to the paid version insha Allah?
    Jazakum Allahu khayran wa barak Allahu feeke.

    1. admin

      wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullah, absolutely fine. The payment is more of a support option for those who are able to afford it and can contribute towards our efforts and projects. may Allah reward you and accept it from you.

  14. Avatar

    Jazaaq Allah
    Very excited

  15. Avatar
    April 4, 2021

    Mashallah, love this program

  16. Avatar
    April 4, 2021

    Looking forward to this amazing Ramadan Program InSha Allah

  17. Avatar

    Please try and include , if possible Sh. Mu’tasim AlHameedy from Toronto.
    جزاك الله خيراً

    1. admin

      That is a great suggestion. please send us any contact information you may have. Barak Allahu feekum

  18. Avatar
    April 5, 2021

    JazakAllah! May Allah accept ur efforts ?looking forward for the guidance

  19. Avatar
    April 5, 2021

    اسلام وعليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    سبحان الله وبحمده
    Waiting for the new programme to start. May الله سبحانه وتعالى reward everyone involved.
    Ma assalamah

  20. Avatar
    April 6, 2021

    Salam all. Will we have a session a day throughout 30 days of Ramadan? A Juz a day? please clarify the times for the sessions in Ramadan and will there be a link from next week to log in. Shukran 🙂

  21. Avatar
    April 6, 2021

    allahumma ballighna ramadan! I have just ordered the Quram Legacy Gift Box to accompany this wonderful 30 days series in Ramadan 2021. I have a question: what time will be log in everyday and for how long? We assume there will be a link sent via email to tune into live course daily? Shukran

    1. admin

      Assalaamu ‘Alaikum sister Rahila. Mubarak ma sha Allah. May you receive much barakah from the box and the lecture series. You are right that we will email you the link insha’Allah. UK time we will start at 6 PM and we will carry on until iftaar time.

      There will be an intro, some announcements and words from our sponsor, the lecture with a different sheikh each day and then followed by a LIVE call in show to discuss the lesson, have a kahoot quiz on the juz with prizes and opportunity to earn good deeds with a final du’a before making iftaar together.

      Most important I hope everyone watches on big screens with their family while getting ready for iftaar.

  22. Avatar
    April 7, 2021

    Jazak Allahu Khairan. May Allah bless everyone on your team. Ameen

  23. Avatar
    April 7, 2021

    Slms. I am struggling to sign up for this. Please can you advise as the link to sign up isn’t working for me.


    1. admin

      Assalaamu ‘Alaikum,

      I understand you wanting to sign up for the course. I will try to sign you up if you wish. Or you can call me and I will walk you through it insha’Allah. +447958183184

      If you wish for me to sign you up then please whatsapp or text that number – send me your name, address, mobile, and choose a user name. I will create the account for you insha’Allah.

  24. Avatar
    April 8, 2021

    How do u get on the course?

    1. admin

      Assalaamu ‘Alaikum,

      I understand you wanting to sign up for the course. I will try to sign you up if you wish. Or you can call me and I will walk you through it insha’Allah. +447958183184

      If you wish for me to sign you up then please whatsapp or text that number – send me your name, address, mobile, and choose a user name. I will create the account for you insha’Allah.

  25. Avatar
    April 8, 2021

    Want to join the course

    Finding it hard to do so

    1. admin

      Assalaamu ‘Alaikum,

      I understand you wanting to sign up for the course. I will try to sign you up if you wish. Or you can call me and I will walk you through it insha’Allah. +447958183184

      If you wish for me to sign you up then please whatsapp or text that number – send me your name, address, mobile, and choose a user name. I will create the account for you insha’Allah.

  26. Avatar

    Thank you for organising a brilliant programme-what are the timings of the talks and do the talks begin on the 1st day of Ramadan-are the talks accessible through your website/are the talks live?; I have registered for the talks

    1. Avatar

      Asalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullah I am trying this out for myself using jaws for windows or NVDA . mashallah, I think they are working on their site as the site looks different off the brave browser this afternoon. I still have log in issues, wish they had an app like Yaqeen I wonder if they will have accessible youtube links like Yaqeen. All the videos are alt-texted and you can control it with a screen reader stop, play and pause it is all there. If you have an apple product, usually voice over works best for youtube videos too. I can not speak too the chrome box or the android devices that use talk back. Alhamdulillah, cant wait for the series to start .

    2. admin

      wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu…. Have you managed to login now? Is it all working ok or do you still need help? Please text us if you require any support +447958183184
      I pray you have a great Ramadan and the start of these lectures have been a huge blessing for you. Please let us know your feedback so far.

  27. Avatar
    April 11, 2021


  28. Avatar

    Beautiful Lecture by Sheikh Sajid, thank you to all those involved in bringing this beautiful series to us this Ramadan may Allah reward you all immensely ameen.

    1. admin

      Barak Allahu feekum. Thank you for your feedback. May Allah grant you success in Ramadan.

  29. Avatar

    Salaam alaykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu. Thank you for this amazing endeavor. For some reason, I have clicked enroll several times but nothing seems to be happening. Do we get emails after registering, I didn’t get any. I initially registered a couple of weeks ago but I came back to check to see if anything was uploaded yet but it just prompts me to enroll again even after loggin in.

    1. admin

      wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu…. Have you managed to login now? Is it all working ok or do you still need help? Please text us if you require any support +447958183184
      I pray you have a great Ramadan and the start of these lectures have been a huge blessing for you. Please let us know your feedback so far.

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