The Self

  • Qur’an Legacy Ramadan Lectures Lifetime Edition

    Qur’an Legacy Ramadan Lectures Lifetime Edition


    Qur’an Legacy Ramadan Lectures Lifetime Edition

    The Quran Legacy
    Since revelation from the heavens upon the mountain of Hira until the present, this Legacy has been preserved by the Angels of God and by the hearts of men that have memorized every letter and the scholars who inherit and pass on the understanding of it. This Ramadan is a part of the legacy lectures as we invite speakers from around the world to share with us the stories of one Juz daily.

    Register your place today on Quran Legacy Lectures – A Juz A Day. This Ramadan will be the start of our journey and every day a new Juz will be released reflecting upon key lessons and concepts we can take away Juz by Juz.

    Each show will be followed by a Q&A after the show where viewers will get the chance to send in questions and be part of the show by sharing their stories and connections to the Juz.

  • Qur’an Legacy Ramadan Lectures Free Edition

    Qur’an Legacy Ramadan Lectures Free Edition

    £30.00 Free

    Qur’an Legacy Ramadan Lectures Free Edition

    The Quran Legacy
    Since revelation from the heavens upon the mountain of Hira until the present, this Legacy has been preserved by the Angels of God and by the hearts of men that have memorized every letter and the scholars who inherit and pass on the understanding of it. This Ramadan be a part of the legacy lectures as we invite speakers from around the world to share with us the stories of one Juz daily.

    Register your place today on Quran Legacy Lectures – A Juz A Day

    Ramadan will be the start of our journey and everyday a new Juz will be released reflecting upon key lessons and concepts we can take away Juz by Juz.

    Each show will be followed by a Q&A after show where viewers will get the chance to send in question and be part of the show by sharing their stories and connections to the Juz.

  • Etiquettes of the Student of knowledge

    Etiquettes of the Student of knowledge

    £125.00 £25.00
    Jalal Ibn Saeed

    Etiquettes of the Student of knowledge

    One may not be in need of a lot of knowledge, rather, one is in need of a few good manners.

    Instructor: Jalal ibn Saeed Mohabbat

    Duration : 1 day course

    Starting date: 29th May 2021

  • The Islamic Creed

    The Islamic Creed

    £125.00 £25.00

    The Islamic Creed

    Knowledge is an obligation upon every male and female so seek sound knowledge.

    The Islamic Creed Course – Fundamental Islamic Studies

    The correctness of ‘Aqeedah is the (most) fundamental principle. This is because bearing witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allaah and that Muhammad is His Messenger, is the first pillar of Islaam.

    And the Messengers called firstly, to the correction of the ‘Aqeedah because all acts of worship and behavior depend on it, and without the correct ‘Aqeedah, there is no benefit from (these) deeds.

    The Most High said:
    “But if they had joined in worship others with Allaah, all that they used to do would have been of no benefit to them.” [Al-An’am : 88]

  • Tazkiyyah tun Nafs

    Tazkiyyah tun Nafs

    £125.00 £25.00

    Tazkiyyah tun Nafs

    Tazkiyyah tun Nafs Purifying and Maintaining the Self

    The command to purify our hearts from sin is essential Islamic teaching ever since the early stages of the revelation in Makkah. This is known as ‘purification of the soul’ (tazkiyyat an-nafs).

    Allah said: “He has succeeded who purifies the soul, and he has failed who corrupts the soul.” (Qur’an, 91:9-10)

    Abu Huraira reported: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: ‘Verily when the believer commits a sin, a black spot appears upon his heart. If he repents and abandons the sin and seeks forgiveness, his heart will be polished, but if he increases in sin, the blackness increases. That is the covering which Allah has mentioned in His Book: ‘Nay, but on their hearts is a covering because of what they have earned,’
    (83:14)” (Sunan ibn Majah, 4244)