Chapter of Tahaarah (Cleanliness)

NAJAASAT (IMPURITY) is of two types

  1. Najaasate Haqeeqee (which can be seen)
  2. Najaasate Hukmee (which cannot be seen)


  • Ghaleezah (heavy type)
  • Khafeefah ( light type)

Najaasate Haqeeqee:

  • Uncleanliness or impurity that can be seen

e.g. urine, stool, blood, and wine

Najaasate Ghaleezah:

  • Dense (heavy) types of impurity (Najaasat)

e.g. Urine and stool of human beings

Najaasate Khafeefah:

  • lighter types of impurity (Najaasat)

e.g. Urine of Halaal animals


  • Disliked or something which is against the conduct of Islam.

Makroohe Tahreemee:

  • Close to Haraam.


  • Illegal or forbidden

Examples of Najaasate Ghaleezah:

  1. Urine of human beings
  2. Stools of human beings
  3. Flowing blood of human beings
  4. Flowing blood of animals
  5. Wine
  6. Fowl
  7. Duck excretion
  8. Urine and stools of haram animals

Examples of Najaasate Khafeefah

  1. Urine of Halaal animals (permitted for eating)
  2. Excretion of Haraam birds


“Istinjaa” means cleaning the private parts after passing out urine and stool by using clean water and earth etc.

Method of Istinjaa:

  1. For passing urine or stool, one should go to a place of privacy and seat oneself.
  2. After relieving wash the private parts until satisfied they have become clean
  3. It is permissible to use water, lumps of dry earth
  4. Do not sit in the direction of the Qibla as it is makruh
  5. Remove rings, badges, or anything on which the name of Allah is written
  6. Use the left hand for istinjaa.
  7. Do wudhu after Istinjaa.

Water which is allowed for Wudhu and Ghusl

  1. Rainwater
  2. Well water
  3. Spring, sea, and river water
  4. Melted snow or hail
  5. The water of a big tank or pond

Water that is not allowed for Wudhu and Ghusl

  1. Water extracted from fruit and trees
  2. Water that has changed color, taste, and smell
  3. Used water of Wudhu or Ghusl
  4. Water left over after drinking by Haraam animals
  5. Water left by a person who has just drunk wine.
  6. A small quantity of water in which something Najis has fallen.
  7. All impure water
Chapter of Wudhu
  1. Wash the face from the forehead to the lower portion of the chin from one ear lobe to the other
  2. Washing BOTH of the arms including elbows once.
  3. Doing masah of a Quarter of the head once
  4. Washing the both the feet including ankles
  1. Intention
  2. Reciting bismillah
  3. Washing of the hand 3 times
  4. Using miswaak
  5. Gargling 3 times
  6. Passing water into the nostrils 3 times
  7. Khalil of the beard
  8. Khalil of fingers and toes
  9. Washing of each part 3 times
  10. Masah of the whole head ONCE
  11. Masah of both ears ONCE
  12. Wudhu done in order
  13. Washing of each part before the other parts dries you
  1. To make Wudhoo in a dirty place
  2. To clean the nose with the RIGHT HAND
  3. To talk of Wordly affairs
  4. To do Wudhoo against the SUNNAH method
  1. Discharging urine, stool, or the coming out of anything from the private parts
  2. Discharging of gases
  3. Vomiting in MOUTHFUL
  4. To fall asleep lying down or by resting the body against something
  5. To faint due to illness or any other reason
  6. Becoming insane
  7. Laughing aloud whilst in Salaah
  8. Flowing of blood or matter from any part of the body
  1. Wudhoo only breaks if blood or matter moves from the place
  2. If blood clots come out of the nose while blowing it, wudhoo will only break if its in fluid state
  3. If a pimple bursts in the eye then wudhoo will only break if the fluid flows out of the eye
  4. If blood in the saliva changes the colour of the saliva, then Wudhoo breaks.
  5. If theres more more blood than the amount of saliva, then wudhoo will break.
  6. Fluid from a hurting ear will break wudhoo.
  7. Fluid flowing from a painful eye will break wudhoo
  8. If males fall asleep in the position of sajdah, but do not topple over, wudhoo is not broken. However, if females fall asleep in the position of Sajdah, Wudhoo will break.
  9. While making wudhoo, the eyes should not be closed so tightly that the water is prevented from moistening the eye-lashes or blocking the entry of water into the eye wells. If even one of the eye lash remain dry or water has not entered the eye-wells, the Wudhoo will not be complete.
  10. If a wound or sore is bandaged and one will experience difficulty in opening and tying the bandage, Masah should be made over the bandage.