Characteristics of The Muslim Businessman

The prophet said: “The truthful and honest trader is among the prophets, the righteous, and the martyrs”. (Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith hasan)

  1. Not to be greedy. The Muslim businessman should off course look at making a decent profit but should not aim to take advantage and make excessive profits. The Maliki scholars strongly recommend that one does not aim for profits that exceed a 1/3 of the price of the product/service.
  2. To be transparent. The Muslim businessman must give the full description of what he is promoting and selling stating the price clearly such that the buyer is not deceived in any way. The prophet said: “All merchants are resurrected on the day as sinners except for those who feared Allah, treated their customers well and were truthful”. (Al-Tirmidhi)
  3. Not to be aggressive. The Muslim businessman must be friendly and calm when conducting the sale. Likewise, the buyer should behave in a friendly manner. The businessman should not demand a high price and the buyer should not demand a low price, both should be reasonable in their approach.The prophet said: “Allah is merciful to the man who is easy when he sells, when he buys, and when he collects his loans’’. (Al-Bukhari)
  4. Not to swear by Allah. A Muslim businessman must avoid taking oath in the name of Allah even if he is telling the truth. It is disrespectful to swear by Allah in any business transaction as Allah has forbidden this in the Qur’an. “And make not Allah’s name an excuse in your oaths against doing good or acting rightly or making peace between persons” (2:224). Additionally, the prophet said, “Swearing destroys the goods, and wipes out their blessings”. (Al-Bukhari & Muslim).
  5. Constantly give charity. A Muslim businessman should give charity regularly as it cleans the sins of that may have occurred intentionally or unintentionally during business transactions. The prophet said: “Oh merchants, the devil and sins are present at each sale, so purify your sales with charity’’. (Al-Tirmidhi)
  6. Document transactions. The Muslim businessman should always try to document and record any transaction that he conducts especially debts (using witnesses), this is emphasized in the Qur’an. Allah says, “O you who have believed, when you contract a debt for a specified term, write it down” (2:282). This will protect both parties as one can forget specific details over time.
Have you updated your Next of Kin information?

Can you please check if any of the names below are your next of kin:

Maryam age 13
Sarah age 17
Fatima age 14
Jawad age 18
Haitham age 13
AbduRahman age 15
Omar age 17

Are these children related to you? If yes, continue reading. If the answer is no then continue reading too because in fact they ARE related to you ALL! Yes, they are!
Brothers and sisters these are the youth of our Ummah, these are the shining lights of glad tidings for the nation of our beloved prophet Muhammed PBUH! The youth who we have sadly neglected, ignored and often blamed for being a nuisance, lazy and irresponsible Subhan’Allah! However, have you ever thought seeing things through THEIR eyes, walking in THEIR shoes? This Dunya is a test for us all and even gets the best of us, let alone our youth who are still in much needed guidance and motivation to learn how to hold on to the hot coals in these ever more challenging times!

We need to make time for our children, show and teach them our deen and nurture in them the love for Islam, Allah SWT and the prophet Muhammed PBUH so that we can grow a generation of motivated, passionate and strong young men and women who are confident in their identity as a young Muslim in the 21st century.

Let’s do it together with these 3 basic steps!

• NURTURE them in the masjid, visit the masjid regularly for it brings calm, brings the heart closer to Allah and a physical reminder that you belong to an Ummah! Get them engaged in dawah and charity work. Let them feel the sense of achievement and brotherhood when working together with others for a common goal which will help build confidence and leadership skills for our ummah.

• TALK to your children, even when they are teenagers! Seems obvious right? But I can tell you many of our youth lack in basic conversation in the household with their parents, turn off those tellies, put down your phones and speak over a meal or tea, you may just learn something new about your own child! The Prophet PBUH was the greatest leader and example for mankind and even He discussed big decisions and took opinions of young companions to motivate them and keep their hearts firm with emaan such as in the battle of Badr!

• Lastly, CRITICISE! but constructively, yes mama and baba no need for the long lectures every day before bedtime, motivate and encourage your child by giving them examples from our beautiful deen and reminding them that Allah is most forgiving and merciful. Let them know that mistakes are an experience we learn from and that when one door closes, another one opens and that ONE day they will too be responsible for not just one child, but an Ummah as a whole!

With this advice, I leave you in peace and do check out the Al Fitrah outreach programmes which we host to nurture our youth.

Wa Salaamualaikum 😉